

..and welcome from The Local Growers.

Here you will find the stories about those individuals who grow food and make products locally.

These are some of the people I’ve met while looking for good foods - locally grown foods.

I know their journey. It’s one I experienced growing up on our family farm in West Central Minnesota. That farm was diversified. In other words, we raised several things - crops, hogs, dairy and chickens.

Our meals featured the garden produce my mom harvested, canned and froze and the meat, eggs and dairy products we raised.

It was wholesome food!

While I don’t live on that farm anymore, I am always on the search for locally grown foods. I invite you to join me in this great journey.

Let’s go!

The Farmers Market is open! The Farmers Market is open!

The Farmers Market is open! The Farmers Market is open!

Celebrations are in order! Farmers Markets are starting!

Last Saturday my sister, K and I went to the Alexandria, MN farmers market and had a blast.

Now, if you are from Minnesota, you realize that there aren’t a lot of fruits and vegetables available quite yet, but I was quite pleased, nonetheless with the selection we did have.

There were several vendors selling baked goods and others with rhubarb, carrots (last years but still great!), asparagus and spring lettuce. Some were selling bedding plants and one had herbs planted and ready for the buyer to take over the care and use of them.

In these times of COVID-19, it was a different market experience, for sure, than what we experienced last year. Some people wore masks and others did not, but everyone adhered to requests for social distancing.

Between the two of us, we filled our bags with goodies including cheese, rhubarb, scones (don’t tell my husband because I told him I was dieting), micro greens and herb gardens. I’ve had the micro greens, a spicy blend which was great on my salad that night, and the scone. Yep, the scone didn’t last long at all. Thanks Ida Valley! It was great!

Choosing what I did (they ran out of asparagus just as we got to the market…we have to be quicker to get up next Saturday!) brings me to the topic of discussion for this post: seasonal eating!

If we eat seasonally, we enjoy the fresh goodness of the vegetables and fruits. And, by purchasing extra, we can preserve for the winter. That’s what my grandma and mom did. They had their own large farm gardens, of course, to pull the produce from, but I can do the same with mindful buying.

As I continue to share the stories of local growers, and there are several more in the hopper to present, I also am on the look out for recipes and preserving techniques as fresh produce hits the market.

My sister picked up some carrots. Obviously they aren’t this year’s carrots and the vendor made sure Sis knew that. The package containing the carrots also said 2019. But carrots, a root vegetable, is a good buy at an early spring Farmers Market. I whispered to my sister that those carrots, which were large, would be great in her slow cooker pot roast and, if it would be too much for her to eat, she could invite me to share it with..hint hint. (I am so subtle).

I was taken with the rhubarb and have since made my savory rhubarb sauce good for meats like pork chops. I am going to put it in the crock pot with some chicken breasts and a sprig of rosemary.

And the microgreens….well, I had them on some salad and was told by the vendor they are a spicy blend. Oh, such a good choice I made on those!

I look forward to returning tomorrow with my bag in hand to get more.

Hubby said to get there early, though, so we can get some asparagus.

Hopefully we will.

Early season farmers markets have more to offer than you think! Visit them. And make sure to check online for the many growers who are selling meats, produce, products, honey and the like through their own online stores. It’s a great way to get nutritious local foods!

A rhubarb with rhubarb?

A rhubarb with rhubarb?

Camp Aquila Pure Maple Syrup

Camp Aquila Pure Maple Syrup