

..and welcome from The Local Growers.

Here you will find the stories about those individuals who grow food and make products locally.

These are some of the people I’ve met while looking for good foods - locally grown foods.

I know their journey. It’s one I experienced growing up on our family farm in West Central Minnesota. That farm was diversified. In other words, we raised several things - crops, hogs, dairy and chickens.

Our meals featured the garden produce my mom harvested, canned and froze and the meat, eggs and dairy products we raised.

It was wholesome food!

While I don’t live on that farm anymore, I am always on the search for locally grown foods. I invite you to join me in this great journey.

Let’s go!

My Breakfast Muffin Quiches made from farmers market ingredients

My Breakfast Muffin Quiches made from farmers market ingredients

With my grocery list complete, I made my first Saturday Shopping Day stop at the Fergus Falls Farmers Market, and checked off several items right away.

Green peppers - check.

Onions - check.

Jalepenos - check.

Cabbage - check.

Potatoes - check.

While that’s what Hubby wanted, there was so much more! Tomatoes galore. Sweet corn. Carrots. Beans. Squash.

I am only touching the tip of the iceberg here and I am not talking lettuce.

This is truly the best time to go to the farmers market because there is so much fresh produce. And it was very economical!

I am striving to eat more seasonal and, in my Google search for seasonal eating, I came across the website www.seasonalfoodguide.org.

At this site, you can pick your state and up pops a page listing the seasonal produce available. Click on a link to the site’s Real Food Encyclopedia, and you can click on the meat or produce of your choice and get ideas on how to prepare it!

Okay, so I came across this site AFTER I’d purchased my goodies last Saturday, but I am glad to find it.

While Hubby had plans for some of the fresh produce, I wanted to use the fresh green peppers and onions in some muffin quiches. I make them often and they are great to pull out of a container in the fridge and heat in the microwave for a quick, healthy breakfast during the week.

So, for my part in the purchases, here’s one of my faves:

Breakfast Muffin Quiches

1 lb. pork sausage or bacon

1 small onion, chopped

1 green pepper, chopped

Mushrooms, chopped

8 eggs, beaten with a tad of milk

salt and pepper

cheddar cheese, shredded

-Fry up the pork sausage or bacon and remove from pan

-Add onion, pepper, mushrooms and whatever vegetables you want to include and fry them in the remaining grease. (I fry them to soften them and get the flavor of the goodies left in the pan)

-Beat eggs with a little milk.

-Grease a muffin tin

-Divide up the veggies and meat into each of the tins

-Fill the tins 3/4 full of egg mixture

-top with bit of cheddar cheese

-Bake 375 for 25 minutes or until done. Enjoy.

Welcome to a locally grown Christmas

Welcome to a locally grown Christmas

A tribute to a grower...my brother

A tribute to a grower...my brother