

..and welcome from The Local Growers.

Here you will find the stories about those individuals who grow food and make products locally.

These are some of the people I’ve met while looking for good foods - locally grown foods.

I know their journey. It’s one I experienced growing up on our family farm in West Central Minnesota. That farm was diversified. In other words, we raised several things - crops, hogs, dairy and chickens.

Our meals featured the garden produce my mom harvested, canned and froze and the meat, eggs and dairy products we raised.

It was wholesome food!

While I don’t live on that farm anymore, I am always on the search for locally grown foods. I invite you to join me in this great journey.

Let’s go!

Goat herd, peacocks and barn lost in Christmas Eve fire at Cornerstone Farm

I write this post asking those in the local grown community to help a fellow local grower family.

On Christmas Eve morning, Cornerstone Farm of Henning, had a barn fire. Lost in the blaze was Stephen and Brittney Springer’s 1,000-plus milking goat herd, a flock of peacocks and the family’s dog. The barn was destroyed as well as equipment.

This family, featured in a November 22 post in The Local Growers, is passionate about food and food production. They are dedicated to sustainable agriculture and have built strong connections with consumers and farmers. Brittney has been the Battle Lake Farmers Market manager.

I will be short and to the point. This is, obviously, a big loss.

If you feel moved to help, the best and most efficient way to assist is through direct donations via Venmo and PayPal for their farm accounts. These are the accounts which they accept payments from customers and vendors.

Here is the info:

Venmo: Cornerstone-Farm

PayPal: cornerstonefarms@gmail.com

Thank you

The Local Growers

How to Get Local Grown - In Mid Winter

How to Get Local Grown - In Mid Winter

6 Christmas gift ideas from Local Growers

6 Christmas gift ideas from Local Growers